Understanding the 珍妮 Clery Disclosure of Campus Crime and Statistic Act and 年度保安报告

揭露校园安全政策和校园犯罪统计法案 (又名《pp电子》)是一部联邦法律,于1990年签署成为法律. 这项法律是在霍华德和康妮·克莱里的女儿之后颁布的, 珍妮, 1986年在利哈伊大学的宿舍被残忍杀害. 的y wanted the law to provide campus safety information for those who are selecting a college or university. All public and private institutions of postsecondary education participating in federal student aid programs are required to follow the mandates of the Clery commission. 克莱利法要求pp电子做到以下几点:

  1. 收集,分类和统计犯罪报告和犯罪统计.
  2. 发出校园警报(i).e. -适时发出警告及紧急通知).
  3. 提供关于约会、家庭暴力和性侵犯的教育项目和活动.
  4. 是否有针对约会暴力案件的制度性纪律处分程序, 家庭暴力, 性侵犯, 和被人跟踪.
  5. 发布年度安全报告. 这份报告将包含许多这些政策和程序加上校园犯罪统计.
  6. 向教育部提交校园犯罪统计数据.
  7. 每天记录犯罪事件,并公开供公众查阅.


每年, 根据克莱利法案, 威明顿大学被要求在10月1日之前发布年度安全报告st. This report contains three years’ worth of campus crime statistics based on the crimes listed above. 学校必须公开校园犯罪统计数据, 以校园为半径一英里, 以及它控制的某些非校园设施(见上文定义). 的se crime statistics are gathered from local law enforcement agencies and other school officials who have responsibility for student and campus activities.

的 年度保安报告 also includes certain campus security policy statements (包括 性侵犯 policies which assure basic victims’ rights, the law enforcement authority of campus police and where students should go to report crime) and a list of programming that has been made available to students and employees. 这份报告将发给所有在校生和在职员工, while prospective students and employees are notified of its existence and afforded an opportunity to request a copy. 最新报告的副本可在以下链接中获得.




年度保安报告(ASR): An annual report published by any college or university receiving Title IV funding that includes crime statistics for the last three years. 除了, ASR包括一些关于校园安全和性侵犯的政策声明.

校园保安局(CSA): An official of an institution who has significant responsibility for student and campus activities, 包括, 但不限于, 学生生活, 学生纪律, 以及校园司法程序. CSA's may accept crime reports from others regarding campus crime and have a duty to report these crimes.

Clery地理: 一个机构必须收集犯罪统计数据的区域. 该区域包括所有校内设施, 校园附近的公共财产, 以及学校控制的任何非校园建筑或设施.

设施控制: 当机构直接或间接出租时,机构对设施具有控制权, 租赁, 或者有, some other type of written agreement (包括 an informal one such as an email or a letter) for use of a building or a property or a portion of that building or property.

紧急通知: 紧急通知涉及通知学生, 教师, and staff of an institution when there is a dangerous situation occurring on-campus that involves an 直接的威胁 学生和员工的健康或安全. 直接威胁的例子包括但不限于火灾, 极端天气条件, 一种严重疾病的爆发.

仇恨犯罪: A hate crime is a criminal offense that show evidence that the victim was intentionally selected based on the perpetrator’s bias against the victim. 克莱里法案中有八类偏见:种族, 宗教, 性取向, 性别, 性别认同, 种族, 国家的起源, 和残疾.

及时的警告: Requirement 根据克莱利法案 to notify students and employees in a timely manner of Clery crimes occurring on-campus that are considered by the institution to represent a serious or ongoing threat to students and employees.

《pp电子》: Law enacted by Congress and part of the Clery Act that requires institutions to disclose crimes of dating violence, 家庭暴力, 性侵犯, 和被人跟踪, 此外,如果这些罪行发生在该机构的克莱里地区,还会披露这些罪行, the institution must also provide educational and prevention programs to students and employees about these topics.



的 Clery Act requires institutions to utilize following terms for crimes provided by the Federal Bureau of Investigation”s Uniform Crime Reporting program:




性侵犯(性罪行): 未经受害人同意而直接对他人进行性行为, 包括受害者没有能力给予同意的情况.










仇恨犯罪: 包括上面列出的下列罪行:谋杀和非过失谋杀, 性侵犯, 抢劫, 加重攻击罪, 机动车辆盗窃, 和纵火. 这些罪行还包括下列罪行:

VAWA犯罪: 除了性侵犯, 这些罪行包括约会暴力, 家庭暴力和跟踪.



联邦授权的《pp电子》要求所有第四章学校提供及时警告通知. Timely Warnings are a mass communication notice issued to the University community advising a Clery Crime that represent a current or ongoing threat to the University community is present. 威明顿大学安全部门负责评估威胁的性质并发布警告.

In an effort to provide timely notice to the pp电子 community regarding crimes that represent a serious or continuing threat to students or employees, 发生在克利里地理(校园), 公共财产及非校园财产). 法律助理副总裁 & Administrative Affairs will develop the content of the notification and it is sent to a member of the Executive Team for approval. 的 Web Communications team is responsible for distributing the Crime Alert via the group e-mail and ReGroup system.

Anyone with information warranting a timely warning should report the circumstances to the Department of 大学安全. All notifications issued will provide general information about the incident as well as crime prevention information that may aid in the prevention of similar occurrences. All Timely Warnings will be issued in a manner that withholds the names of victims to maintain confidentiality.

Emergency Notifications are activated when a threat to the safety of the University community is present; this is not contingent upon Clery犯罪 being committed. Emergency Notifications are a mass communication notice issued to the University community in the event of a current or ongoing threat to the community. Emergency Notifications may or may not be related to a Clery crime and are not limited to nature of crime. 威明顿大学安全部门负责评估威胁的性质并发布警告 and will do so in a manner to best ensure the safety of our community.



安全预防从 . 通过经常练习主动犯罪和安全预防技术, 你可以减少罪犯把你变成受害者的机会. 以下列出的信息可以帮助减少成为受害者的可能性:

  • 在接近和离开车辆时,要注意周围环境
  • 当你走向你的车时,避免打电话.
  • 不要让你的车在无人看管的情况下行驶.
  • 总是锁好你的车,避免把任何贵重物品放在显眼的地方.
  • 在走到你的车前,一定要找到你的钥匙.
  • 在停车场行走时,要妥善保管好钱包、手袋和其他物品.
  • Make a routine of calling family members or friends before you leave so they know to expect you in a certain amount of time.
  • 只参加你认识主人/女主人的聚会.
  • 不要和不认识的人一起离开派对.
  • 注意你的饮酒量.
  • 不要让你的朋友和不认识的人一起离开派对.

直觉是你的向导——听从它们! 和往常一样, 如果你看到什么,就说出来.



教育部定义了a 校园保安局, (中央公务员制度),详情如下:
An official of an institution who has significant responsibility for student and campus activities, 包括, 但不限于, 学生生活, 学生纪律, 以及校园司法程序. 例如, CSA可能包括监督学生生活的人, 或者学生的课外活动, 或对学生和校园活动负有重大责任. 类似的, 体育主任, 球队的教练, 以及学生会等学生团体的指导老师, 甚至是志愿者教练, 对学生和校园活动负有重要责任. 相比之下, 教师 members are unlikely to have significant responsibility for student and campus activities, 除了作为学生团体的顾问. Clerical staff are unlikely to have significant responsibility for student and campus activities and therefore, 不属于克莱里的CSA范畴.



所有CSA必须每年完成强制性培训. 本培训在线进行.

作为校园安全机构, you are required to report all crimes listed below (regardless of desire of reporting party or previous incident involving outside law enforcement):

  • 刑事杀人罪(谋杀、非过失杀人、过失杀人)
  • 性犯罪(暴力和非暴力):强奸、性侵犯、爱抚、法定强奸、乱伦
  • 抢劫
  • 加重攻击罪
  • 入室盗窃
  • 盗窃机动车辆(包括未经授权使用)
  • 纵火


  • 仇恨/偏见动机犯罪(以上列出的所有UCR犯罪和盗窃/盗窃), 简单的攻击, 恐吓, 破坏/损坏/故意破坏财产
  • 因毒品、酒和武器违规而被逮捕和转介
  • 家庭暴力、约会暴力和跟踪犯罪(VAWA-SAVE AC)


  • 提问:
    • 发生了什么事?
    • 这是在哪里发生的??
    • 谁参与了?
    • 有没有人受伤??
    • 等.
  • 获取尽可能多的事实信息

如果你不确定发生的事情是否属于这些类别之一的犯罪, 请与 第九条协调员.







电话: (302) 356-6754