Available Services

Once proper documentation has been provided, 残疾学生可能会发现以下资源很有帮助:

  • Variety of academic support services - visit the Student Success Center.
  • Preferential seating in classes
  • Tape recording class sessions
  • Testing accommodations outside of the classroom
  • Extra time for tests and/or in-class assignments
  • Use of spell checker/dictionary
  • Notetakers/Readers/Scribes/Sign language interpreters
  • Use of assistive technology (see equipment loan policy below)
  • Taking short breaks during classes
  • Hand-outs relating to assignment specifics and test preparation

Equipment Loan Policy

pp电子为有资格获得特殊住宿的残疾学生提供临时借用的辅助技术. In order to receive equipment, 学生必须在学生无障碍服务办公室(OSAS)注册以获得特殊住宿. 学校要求学生小心使用借来的设备,并要求在毕业或退学(以先到者为准)时归还设备。. 

If the equipment is not returned in a timely manner, returned in damaged condition, or lost, 学生的帐户将显示未付余额,导致设备费用. 不付款将导致帐户被搁置,这可能会影响学生获得成绩的能力, register and graduate.

Students requesting borrowed equipment must contact OSAS and complete the Equipment Loan Agreement Form. 通过填写此表格,学生将同意并理解以下内容:

  • 借用的设备必须在完好无损的情况下按时归还OSAS.
  • 借用的设备必须在注册为学院学生的最后一个学期之前归还
  • 如果由于疏忽或粗心导致设备丢失或损坏,您承担修理设备的经济责任.
  • 电池供电设备更换电池的费用由您承担,并负责设备在借用期间的安全. 
  • 如果设备被盗,您将立即向OSAS和大学安全办公室报告.

Notetaker Service

笔记本是为有残疾的学生提供的一种合理的便利,这些残疾学生妨碍了他们在课堂上做笔记的能力. 教师被要求在课堂上挑选一名学生作为残疾学生的记笔记员. If the instructor has difficulty selecting a student, 他们可以向班级要求志愿者,但必须确保残疾学生的名字不会泄露. There are three alternatives for the provision of notetaker accommodations. 教师应与残疾学生会面,讨论最适合他们的记笔记方法.

  1. 老师可以给学生提供他/她的个人课堂笔记的副本.
  2. *Peer notetaker (carbonless notebook). 本课程选出的一名学生将使用无碳笔记本(由学生事务处提供)为残疾学生做笔记。.  当记笔记的人写字时,无碳笔记本纸会自动生成第二份, as a result photocopying is not needed.  Because of the confidentiality of the student’s disability, 每节课结束时,记笔记的人都要把笔记的副本交给老师. At that point, you will need to give the notes to the disabled student. 记笔记的人将负责保存无碳笔记本,因为笔记的底部副本将作为他们实际的课堂笔记保留在笔记本中.
  3. *Peer notetaker (photocopying). 被选入本课程的学生将做笔记,并将这些笔记的复印件发给残疾学生. 记笔记的人需要在每节课结束时把他们的笔记交给老师. 教师需要将笔记复印一份,然后将原始笔记交还给记录员,并将复印的笔记交还给残疾学生.

Notetaker's Duties and Responsibilities

  1. Notetaker accommodation is a confidential service. If you are aware of the student you are providing notes for, 不要向任何人透露学生的名字或有关该学生的任何信息.
  2. 如果由于某种原因你不能上课,你需要找一个代替的记笔记的人.  If you have difficulty doing so, you should inform the instructor so alternative arrangements can be made. Please share the Notetaker’s Duties and Responsibilities and Verification Form 以确保他们提供适当水平的笔记服务. 
  3. 记笔记的人应该用深色的笔做整洁、详细、彻底的笔记. 
  4. Stay mentally alert in class!  If you miss an important piece of information, the student which you are taking notes for could suffer as a result. 
  5. 缺课、有考试或没有笔记可记的情况下,记笔记的人不会得到报酬.
  6. 你需要在每节课结束时将你的笔记提交给老师,除非残疾学生同意直接处理这些笔记.
  7. In order to ensure payment you must complete a W-9 form issued to your instructor.  您的导师将填写记录员验证表,这两份表格都需要在课程结束时退还给学生事务办公室.
  8. Substitute notetakers will also be compensated and will need to complete a W-9 form to ensure payment.  教师应在记录员验证表上注明替代人员提供记录服务的日期.

Download a copy of Notetaker's Duties and Responsibilities.

Reader/Scribe Service

在考试中帮助学生的个人,无论是作为阅卷员还是抄写员,都禁止帮助学生答题. A reader is instructed to only read verbatim what is on the exam. 抄写员负责在考试中逐字写下学生的答案.

Course Substitution


Violent and Disruptive Conduct

残障学生必须遵守pp电子规定的行为规范 Code of Conduct policy.

Parking For Handicapped
