Frequently Asked Questions

Attendance Policy

In fall 2012, pp电子对出勤政策做出了改变,以鼓励学生继续朝着毕业的目标取得成功. Attendance is tracked during each session, 由于无故缺勤,将采取以下行政措施.

As part of the attendance policy, 错过一门课程前两节课的学生将被行政开除该门课程. 被行政开除可能会对学生的经济援助和/或与大学的关系产生意想不到的后果.

pp电子希望学生对出勤和缺勤有良好的判断力. 如果出现不能来上课的情况,学生必须与老师沟通. Ultimately, 学生有责任放弃或退出他们计划不参加的课程.

Attendance Policy FAQs


Why is this policy in place?

来自pp电子和全国其他大学的数据显示,错过前两次班会的学生成功的机会更低. 这项政策将于2012年秋季生效,旨在帮助那些可能在课程早期落后的学生.

What is an administrative drop?

当教师指出学生没有参加前两次班会时,由注册办公室完成行政退学. 该课程将从学生的课程表中删除,学生将无法再访问mypp电子和Blackboard上的课程材料.

How will the University know if I did not attend class?



注册办公室将通过电子邮件通知你,你的学生mypp电子电子邮件帐户,当你被行政取消的课程. 请确保您通过登录mypp电子或使用您的计算机或移动设备上的电子邮件软件定期检查您的学生电子邮件帐户.

Will I be dropped from all of my classes?


Will I get my money back if I am administratively dropped?

You are not financially responsible for the tuition, but you are responsible for application and registration fees. Only your tuition will be refunded.

I am receiving financial aid. If I am administratively dropped, will that affect my financial aid?

下降可能会影响你的经济援助,特别是如果你的全日制或半日制状态. If you are dropped, you should contact Financial Aid to better understand the impact.

I am taking an online class. How is attendance determined?

对于在线课程,如果学生没有参加指定的活动,将被标记为缺课. 如果这是前两周的情况,经导师确认, the student will be administratively dropped.

I am taking a modular/semester/block course. How does this policy work for each format?


What if I miss two classes later on in the block?

You will not be administratively dropped. 记住出勤率是学业成功的关键之一,所以你的成绩可能会受到负面影响.


只有连续两次缺席上课,你才会被除名. 然而,缺席班会对你的学习和成绩产生负面影响.

What if I have been dropped from my class and want to take it?

因为没有出席前两次班会而被退学, 你可以打电话给注册办公室302-356-4636,表达你想继续上课的意愿.  注册办公室将与您的教员一起审查您的请求,以确定您是否可以重新注册该课程.  我们想确保你在错过几次班会后,能在这门课上取得成功.

What if I add the class late?

If you add a class late, you will be marked absent for the week that you missed; even if that class met before you registered.


Where do I input attendance?

Instructors should input attendance on mypp电子. View the tutorial video.

When should I submit attendance?


Why do I have to submit attendance?

Student attendance is a predictor of academic success. 跟踪出勤率有助于大学寻找模式,希望制定帮助学生成功的举措. 对错过前两节课的学生实施行政退学政策的成功与否取决于教师的参与. 提交出勤也是联邦政府发放学生援助的一项要求.

What if a student misses the first two class sessions but I approve it?

In accordance with University policy, students who miss the first two class meetings should be marked as absent. In extreme circumstances, 教师可以将学生标记为“原谅”,以防止他或她被除名.

What if a student adds the class late?

If the student misses a class because he or she added it late, that student should be marked absent for the week.

What if I have to cancel class?

In light of the Cyber day policy, 可以根据在线作业提交给定周的出勤情况.


Yes. 注册办公室将通过电子邮件通知您到您的威明顿大学教师电子邮件帐户.

How does this work with semester/modular/online/block courses?

如果学生没有参加一门课程的前两节课,将被行政除名. This is the first two meetings regardless of course format. For online courses, 如果学生没有登录和/或参加指定的活动,则应标记为缺席.

What if all of my students attend every week?

Still log onto the mypp电子 portal and submit your attendance. 这让学校知道你积极参与出勤跟踪,并确保学生的经济援助将被支付. 未能提交考勤的学生将无法获得该课程的联邦资助.

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