
Business Management, Bachelor of Science

Program Purpose


Program of Study

课程设置强调对理解管理领域的基本概念和原则的严格分析. 课程将理论和思想与商业组织的运营实践和政策联系起来. 这些课程为学生探索管理的运作提供了一个独特的机会. As supplemental activities to the traditional classroom format, “亲身实践”的课堂体验让学生了解到商业世界中真实发生的事情,这是通过传统的课堂方法很难获得的. 此外,通识教育的要求提供了一个全面的学术基础.

Cooperative Learning Experiences

BBM 315监督管理和HRM 310组织发展的商业管理课程提供合作学习体验(co-ops). 根据实习经验和学生的课程完成时间表, 其他课程,如BBM 301组织行为学也可以作为合作课程完成. Elective courses may also be structured as co-ops. 每个带薪实习经历预计将持续两个学期,并为学生获得120学分的学位获得6个学分.

学生必须修满60个学分,并且至少有2个学分.5 GPA. 学生必须在开始他们的合作作业前一个学期联系工作结合学习(WIL)办公室.  Once an opportunity description is secured, WIL办公室将向商业管理项目主席寻求对经验的信用批准.

Program Competencies

除了达到本目录学术信息部分给出的pp电子本科毕业能力, each graduating student will be able to:

  1. 展示有效的信息素养和有效可靠的研究沟通.
  2. 运用商业管理专业人员所要求的道德标准.
  3. 在商业环境的各个领域展示有效的口头和书面沟通.
  4. 识别和分析对企业战略规划至关重要的因素, including human resource management, operations management and globalization.

Minimum Grade Policy

工商管理学院的政策要求攻读工商管理学位的学生,所有课程的核心课程的最低成绩必须达到“C”. 在此政策下,项目核心课程均为企业管理课程. These courses are designated by the prefix “BBM.”

Curriculum - General Education Requirements

English Composition (12 Credits)

ENG 121 English Composition I

ENG 122 English Composition II

ENG 131 Public Speaking

ENG 310 Research Writing

Humanities (3 Credits)

BBM 319 Business Ethics

VFP 313 Aesthetics of Film

DSN 110 Fundamentals of Drawing

TEC 215 Basic Photography

COM 245 Writing for the Media

Culinary Arts Elective

Drama Elective

Ethnic Studies Elective

Fine Arts Elective

Foreign Language Elective

History Elective

HUM Humanities Elective

Literature Elective

Music Elective

Philosophy Elective

Religion Elective

Social Science (6 credits)

ECO 101 Economics I

PSY 101 Introduction to Psychology


SOC 101 Introduction to Sociology

Mathematics (3 Credits)

MAT 205 Introductory Survey of Mathematics

Natural Science (3 Credits)

Natural Science Elective

Computer Operations (3 Credits)

CTA 326 Integrating Excel into Business Problem Solving

Critical Analysis (3 Credits)

PHI 100 Introduction to Critical Thinking

Citizenship (3 Credits)

HIS 381 Contemporary Global Issues

Business Core (30 credits)

BAC 101 Accounting I

BAC 102 Accounting II

BBA 301 Intro to Business Analytics

BBM 201 Principles of Management

BBM 301 Organizational Behavior

BBM 320 Business Communications

BBM 402 Strategic Management

BMK 305 Marketing

FIN 305 Financial Management

MAT 312 Business Statistics

BBM 301: available as a co-op.

Business Management Program Core (33 credits)

商学院的课程要求核心课程的最低成绩为“C”. 在任何必修课程的核心课程中,成绩低于“C”的学生必须重修该课程.

BBM 315 Supervisory Management

BBM 347 Interpersonal Skills and Professionalism in the Workplace

BBM 370 Global Business Management

BBM 411 Operations and Systems Management

BBM 412 Project Management

BLA 303 Legal and Ethical Environment of Business

ECO 102 Economics II

FIN 306 Corporate Finance

HRM 310 Organizational Development

HRM 311 Human Resource Management

MIS 320 Management Information Systems

BBM 315, HRM 310: available as a co-op

Business Electives (12 credits)

Business Elective

Business Elective

Business Elective

Business Elective

Free Electives (9 credits)

Free Elective

Free Elective

Free Elective

转学分少于16学分的学生必须选修FYE 101作为免费选修课之一.

Business Management with a Concentration in Applied Economics

在商业世界中,今天的经济环境既变化又充满挑战.  Business professionals, 具备当前经济原则和问题的工作知识, 与缺乏这种理解的同行相比,他们有竞争优势吗.  这五门课程的集中,建立在宏观和微观经济学教授的原则,是 not 一个理论的,定量的或研究项目,而是培养一种应用方法. It seeks real-world answers to real-world challenges: inflation, foreign trade, economic strategy and competitiveness, land use, sustainability, crime, transportation, etc. Whether your career path involves profit or non-profits, local or regional government, banking or investments, 这种应用经济学的专注会给你的学位增加真正的价值.

学习经济学可以让你更深入地了解世界是如何运作的, 特别是在人们如何做决定和分配资源方面. Here are some reasons why studying economics can be valuable:

  1. Economics is the study of how individuals, businesses, 政府对稀缺资源的分配做出决定.
  2. 更好的公民身份:经济学为理解公共政策问题提供了一个框架, such as taxes, trade, and regulation. By understanding these issues, 个人可以成为更知情的公民,更有效地参与政治进程.
  3. 分析能力:学习经济学可以培养批判性思维, problem-solving, 和分析能力,可以应用到广泛的领域和专业.
  4. Solving real-world problems: Many real-world problems, such as poverty, inequality, and environmental degradation, have economic dimensions. 学习经济学可以为个人提供分析和解决这些问题的工具.
  5. 就业机会:经济学为广泛的职业提供了坚实的基础, including finance, business, government, and law.
  6. 全球视角:经济学为经济问题提供了一个全球视角, 让个人了解全球经济如何运作,以及一个国家的经济政策如何影响其他国家.

Overall, studying economics can help you to make informed decisions, better understand the world around them, and contribute to economic progress and development.

Required Courses

ECO 101 Economics I

ECO 102 Economics II

ECO 321 Economics of Money and Banking

ECO 340 Urban Economics & Sustainability

ECO 440 International Economics



The nonprofit industry is one of the fastest growing employers. The industry is seeking out marketers, HR professionals, 以及对非营利行业的战略规划感兴趣的管理者. 这门非营利性课程将集中在以下内容领域:非营利组织简介, fiscal management, advocacy and public policy, 在学生项目中有一门特定的非营利性课程. 该专业有四门核心课程和一门专门的项目课程或实习. 其中两门课程由行为科学学院和商学院共享. 这是工商管理学士学位的集中课程, Finance, Marketing, Human Resource Management, and Sports Management.

Required Courses

NFP 301 Intro to Nonprofit Agencies

NFP 302 Management of the Nonprofit Organization

NFP 303 Foundations of Fiscal Management for Nonprofit

NFP 304 Advocacy and Public Policy

Choose one of the following four courses (3 credits)

FIN 331 Finance for Nonprofit

HRM 361 HRM in Public and Nonprofit Organizations

NFP 307 Fundraising for Nonprofits

SPM 309 Sport and Athletics Fundraising




工商管理学位,侧重于销售管理,为学生提供知识, skills, 以及支持销售管理职业发展的能力. 服务业是美国发展最快的领域之一. With many professionals retiring in the next five to 10 years, the employment forecast for sales professionals is promising. 这种专注为学生从事专业销售做好准备, with curriculum focusing on sales techniques, data analysis, technology, consumer behavior, ethics, communication, customer service, presentations and proposals. 学生可以根据自己的专业兴趣选择一门课程,包括一般销售, hospitality, or sports. 他们也将有机会在课堂上练习新技术, 然后将这些获得的能力转移到工作场所或工作面试中.

Prerequisites (6 credits)


BBM 201 Principles of Management

BMK 305 Marketing



Required Courses (9 credits)

BBM 100 Customer Service Workshop

BBM 110 Fundamentals of Ethical Sales Techniques

BBM 308 Introduction to Sales Force Management

BMK 320 Consumer Behavior

BBM 415 Effective Sales Presentations and Proposals

Choose one of the following two courses (3 credits)

BBA 430 Data Visualization

ISM 350 Information Technology Policy and Strategy

Choose one of the following three courses (3 credits)

BBM 330 Power and Negotiation

HSP 201 Customer Relations in the Hospitality Industry

SPM 310 Sales in Sports


小型企业管理专业对所有本科商科学生开放.  课程侧重于创办和管理小企业的各个关键方面.  与课程相关的内容领域包括市场营销、管理和制定商业计划.

Total concentration courses are six courses equaling 16 credits.

Required Courses (16 credits)

BBM 100 Customer Service Workshop

BBM 350 Introduction to E-Commerce

BBM 351 Small Business Management

BLA 310 Small Business Law

BMK 366 Entrepreneurship

BMK 400 Social Media Marketing

Prerequisites (6 credits)

BBM 201 Principles of Management

BMK 305 Marketing

Two prerequisites, BBM 201 Principles of Management and BMK 305 Marketng, need to be met before students can pursue this concentration.  These two courses are taken in the business core.  Substitutions for the marketing course, with respect to the Sport Management program, SPM 407 Sport Marketing and Promotions would be permitted.

Business Management with a Concentration in Sport Management

商业管理课程中的体育管理课程为学生提供了从事体育管理职业所需的知识和实践经验. 体育管理专业是一门基于体育管理理念和目标的密集体验式课程. 学生们将学习体育商业——从社交媒体和 marketing to facilities management, sport finance, event planning, and sport analytics体育管理专业将基于项目的学习与实际实习要求相结合,为学生在体育行业的机会做好准备. In addition to the Sport Management curriculum, the program includes a vital business management component, 为学生提供在该领域的企业领域取得成功所需的技能. 体育管理专业为学生提供各种实践经验,增加他们的机会和职业选择. 体育管理专业在全球拥有现有的体育组织实习合作伙伴,并与体育高管和组织合作,为我们的学生提供基于项目的机会.

Required courses (12 credits)

SPM 305 Sport Management I

SPM 306 Sport Media Relations

SPM 408 Financing Sport Operations

SPM 490 Sport Management Internship I


Choose one of the following two courses (3 credits)

SPM 405 Sport Management II

SPM 491 Sport Management Internship II

Choose one of the following two courses (3 credits)

BBA 301 Intro to Business Analytics

SPM 400 Seminar in Sport Analytics

Choose one of the following two courses (3 credits)

BMK 305 Marketing

SPM 407 Sport Marketing and Promotions

Business Management Completion Degree


What is a Completion Degree?

完成学位是学士学位的个性化版本,专为在认可机构完成副学士学位的学生创建. 大多数威明顿大学理学学士学位都有完成学位. 希望转学已完成的副学士学位的学生应在注册课程之前与pp电子的学术顾问沟通. pp电子必须收到带有授予学位文件的成绩单以确认资格. 商业学院课程要求商业管理课程核心课程的最低成绩为“C”.  任何必修核心课程成绩低于“C”的学生必须重修该课程.

Business Management Program Core Courses

BBM 315 Supervisory Management

BBM 370 Global Business Management

BBM 411 Operations and Systems Management

BBM 412 Project Management

BLA 303 Legal and Ethical Environment of Business

FIN 306 Corporate Finance

HRM 310 Organizational Development

HRM 311 Human Resource Management

Completion Degree Required Courses

BBA 301 Intro to Business Analytics

BBM 301 Organizational Behavior

BBM 320 Business Communications

BBM 402 Strategic Management

FIN 305 Financial Management

MAT 312 Business Statistics


ENG 122 English Composition II

MAT 205 Introductory Survey of Mathematics

BAC 101 Accounting I

BAC 102 Accounting II

BMK 305 Marketing

CTA 326 Integrating Excel into Business Problem Solving

ECO 101 Economics I

ECO 102 Economics II

BBM 201 Principles of Management

Dual-Credit ADVANTAGE™ Accelerated Option

Through Dual-Credit ADVANTAGE™, 这种加速课程允许符合条件的商学院学生选修多达四门选定的研究生课程,以代替选定的本科课程,并提供正式被M .录取的机会.S. 在完成学士学位之前攻读管理学或MBA研究生课程.

In order to be eligible, 学生必须修满75个本科学分,总平均成绩达到3分.0或更高,并且在他们的项目中有特定的本科课程.  请与学术顾问预约,了解您是否有资格参加该计划,并确定您的专业特定课程替代和要求.

注意:这些研究生水平的课程将满足本科和研究生学位课程的要求. Students are required to maintain a 3.0 in all graduate programs.

此信息适用于2024-2025学年进入该学位课程的学生. 如果您在2023年秋季学期之前进入本学位课程,请参阅 academic catalog for the year you began your degree program.