

威明顿大学奉行公开招生政策,欢迎所有感兴趣的潜在学生申请. 申请人将在申请审查后通过电子邮件通知录取决定. 申请审核过程最多需要7个工作日.


  • 申请处理:最多7个工作日
  • 纸质成绩单的成绩单处理:总共最多2周. This includes from the time that the student requests transcripts to be sent from the previous institution until the 入学s office at pp电子 receives and processes them.
  • Transcript Processing for electronic transcripts: Up to 7 business days from the time that the student submits the request at their previous institution.
  • 转学生学分评估:一旦pp电子收到并处理所有正式成绩单, it may be up to 3-5 business days for an evaluation to be completed and for the student to see the transfer credits on their student record.
  • 经济援助:在威明顿大学收到FAFSA之后, 奖学金可能需要4到6周的时间才能发放. 学生如果没有正确提交所有所需的文件,可能会拖延这个过程更长时间.


所有的入学申请只在你申请的那个学期有效. 如果你想改变你打算开始上课的学期, 延期请求可以在 招生门户. 了解更多关于延期流程的信息.



在任何课程中中断学习12个月或更长时间的学生都需要重新申请并支付新的申请费. 学生必须满足所有的入学条件, 学术政策, 以及在重新入学之日生效的项目要求. 在暂停学习期间处于留校察看期间的学生将在留校察看期间重新入学. A student who discontinued study due to academic suspension will be readmitted only after a successful appeal to the Academic Review Committee. 在重新录取过程完成之前,学生将无法注册. The 入学s Office will inform students that they must meet the new or revised academic requirements in effect on the date of readmission, 而不是事先入学的要求.


大多数研究生课程必须在5年内完成(教育专业为7年).D. and DBA programs); other limitations are specified for each program in the current 研究生 Catalog. 研究生不需要在这五年期间完成另一份申请(Ed为七年).D. 和DBA课程),除非你已经有一年或更长时间没有上过课了. A student who discontinued study due to suspension may be readmitted only after a successful appeal to the Academic Review Committee. 如果研究生没有在规定的时间内完成学位要求, 学生将被要求重新入学,并有义务遵守当前的学位要求.



All students are required to submit official transcripts from all previously attended post-secondary institutions within the first two semesters of enrollment at pp电子. A high school diploma with a graduation date or GED is required for students transferring fewer than 15 credits from other post-secondary institutions. 看到 提交成绩单 请示.

Official transcripts are required within the first two semesters of enrollment in order to continue enrollment for future semesters.

Credits earned at pp电子 cannot be applied to satisfy the high school transcript submission policy and related high school transcript waiver policy. 


本科 applicants must be graduates of an accredited high school or have successfully completed a General Education Development (GED) program.

家庭学校学生:pp电子修订了入学要求,以更好地服务家庭学校社区. 了解更多关于家庭学校学生的入学要求.


pp电子遵守有关申请人希望放弃以前就读机构的成绩单的政策. 转学少于15个高等教育学分的申请人不能免除高中成绩单. 申请人必须以书面形式向招生主任提交申请. 请求必须包括该机构的名称, 出席日期, 以及请求的原因. 对于下列一种或多种情况,可考虑给予豁免:

  1. 该学生入学时该院校未获认可;
  2. The institution is no longer in existence and transcripts are unable to be retrieved; and...
  3. 学生在完成学校规定的一个学期之前退课.
  4. 该学生完成了由美国机构发起的海外学习或交换项目的课程.


班.S. 或外语成绩单评估

如果在美国以外接受教育,则需要第三方机构的官方成绩单评估.S. 还是U ?.S. 领土. 评估必须由每个机构的原始官方文件完成. 评估机构必须是www的成员.南汽.org(高中一般报告), Detailed or Course-By-Course Report with GPA for college or university – Masters students must have an equivalent of a Bachelor's degree in the US; Doctorate students must have the equivalent of a Master's degree in the US). 成绩单评估必须通过邮政邮件或南汽批准的机构直接提交给大学. 有下列情形之一的,还需要进行评估:

  • 非英语的高中文凭
  • 非英文的高等教育机构成绩单
  • 一个不被美国承认的机构.S. 教育部或认可的认证机构



所有pp电子的学生必须向招生办公室提交一份他们的免疫记录副本. It is recommended that these records are on file with the 入学s office prior to the start of your initial term of enrollment at the University. 如果您无法获得您的免疫记录的副本, 您可以提交MMR(麻疹)的副本, 流行性腮腺炎, 风疹疫苗). 你对去哪里接种MMR疫苗有疑问吗? 参观 U.S. 卫生与公众服务部 了解更多信息.


English and Math Skills Assessments are required for any undergraduate student who has not transferred acceptable credits for the following requirements: MAT 205 or ENG 121. 这些结果允许大学将学生安排在适当水平的数学或英语课程中. 一些学生可以免除基于标准化考试成绩的技能评估或转学分.


pp电子 adheres to policies regarding academic and behavioral dismissals from other institutions by requiring applicants to submit a written description of the situation, 概述申请入学的情况. 录取决定由招生办主任做出.


Please be aware that certain degrees or programs are designed to prepare a student for a career that requires an occupational license or a teaching certificate, 个人的犯罪记录可能会影响他们获得执照或证书的资格. 除了, certain teacher preparation and other programs may require information pertaining to an applicant’s criminal conviction history to be disclosed to a state agency in connection with a licensing or certification process.

It is the responsibility of each applicant and student to review all applicable eligibility requirements related to any relevant degrees or programs, 包括任何与犯罪记录相关的执照或认证要求或指导方针. 除了, pp电子 will provide applicants and students with counseling services relative to any licensing or certification requirements to assist each student in making an informed decision about pursuing such a program.


在威明顿大学,我们致力于为所有申请者寻找机会. 我们承诺尊重有犯罪记录的申请人,并遵守所有适用的法律.

特拉华州法典第14卷第90B章 列出违例事项, 或任何国家或军队的同等法律, 领土, 外国, 部落或联邦法律, pp电子将在录取通知前进行审查. 有关这些罪行的最新信息,请参阅特拉华州法典标题11 特拉华代码在线.



All nursing and Health Science students are required to satisfactorily complete a criminal background check and drug screen in order to promote the highest level of integrity in health care services; meet requirements of clinical facilities and contractual agreements; and avoid delays in clinical placement. 卫生专业学院有指定的提供者, 因此,任何其他提供者的结果将不被接受. 学生有责任支付与背景调查和毒品检查有关的任何和所有费用. The background check and drug screen is a mandatory requirement for all 研究生 and 本科 College of Health Professions students. The 本科 nursing and Health Science students must complete this requirement during the first core course in the curriculum. 实习护士研究生, 领导力研究生, 和护理实践博士的学生必须在入学时完成这一要求. Students will not be permitted to participate in courses that involve clinical hours or learning experiences outside the University, and may be unable to complete the program under the following conditions: refusing to complete a background check and drug screen through our designated provider, having positive findings on the background and/or drug screen that are not resolved following review by the College of Health Professions and/or a credentialing body as a result of the positive findings on the background check or drug screen.


Candidates enrolling into Student Teaching are required by state law to submit the following clinical clearance items: a new Criminal Background Check, 新的结核病/ PPD(结核病测试), 一份新的儿童保护登记表格和一份健康授权表格. 这些项目必须在完成实习学生申请时提交. 犯罪背景调查(CBC)可以通过特拉华州身份识别局完成. CBC必须在原始密封的信封中从DE SBI交付. 考生可提交密封的材料, 未被篡改的信封寄往三个地点中的任何一个- Dover (B座), 乔治敦或纽卡斯尔(人民大厦). 考生将收到收货通知. 考生可透过网页查询最近的地点及预约时间 特拉华州警察网站.

有问题? 让我们来帮忙!

我们的招生顾问可以指导您完成申请流程, 招生要求, 资助方案等等,这样你就可以建立适合你的威尔mu教育计划.